I directed, filmed and edited this documentary. Produced alongside and with an original soundtrack by Benjamin One.


A circular piece of a musician's soul in a square cover...
How, and why, are those passionate about records still so dedicated and compelled to the pursuit of collecting, creating, distributing, and proliferating the culture of vinyl?

There are Four sides to this story:

Shop owner Naoki E-Jima whose Disc Shop Zero in Tokyo, Japan is crammed full of vinyl from Bristol. His love for the city the film-makers call home and it’s music even motivated him to form a Bristol inspired crew of like-minded souls to promote the sound and it’s producers across the globe in Japan.

Graphic designer and music producer Kevin Foakes known as Strictly Kev and Dj Food, who designed the iconic Ninja Tune logo and many of the label’s creative creative covers. His obsessive knowledge and collection shows a deep appreciation for everything vinyl, from cover art to unusual types of record.

Vinyl cutting engineer Henry Bainbridge, who masters the sound before cutting unique one off Dubplate records in his custom designed studio. His reputation, skill and experience have led to a varied clientele of touring DJs, sound system operators and record collectors spanning the globe.

Break digger, That Guy From Swindon, who is in the constant pursuit of the contents of his extensive wants list, searching for breaks and beats to sample. It HAS to be on vinyl and they are rarely easy to find.

Circles In Squares sheds light on the seemingly clandestine sub-culture of manufacture, design, retail and consumption of vinyl through intimate accounts of what record ‘digging’, and ‘collecting’ means to those immersed in this world.

Whilst the square covers have 4 defined sides, like the discs themselves this story spins with each tale leading to another.